Tuesday 8 February 2011

Runnin' in the rain

Late this afternoon it was clear that a storm was on its way. I've got this thing where I'm not crazy about heading out for a run when it's raining, but if I get caught in the rain - bonus!

Well, within 10 minutes of hitting the road the rain started and by 12 minutes into my run I was drenched; like four-buckets-of-water-over-my-head drenched. It was amazing! I haven't run in such a downpour for ages so it really was a treat.

Water was running into the roads from everywhere - the volume was quite unbelievable. I also encountered a new hazard (in addition to holes in roads and pavements from missing drain covers and uneven paving bricks): popped man-hole covers. The volume of water makes them pop up! I found two of 'em - and they were hard to spot because of the volume of water flowing down the road.

I ran for 40-minutes; and it felt like 10 minutes. An absolutely glorious run this evening ;)


Unknown said...

I agree- lovely time to run. And if you continue till it stops raining, you get that lovely freshly-rained smell too... think its got something to do with nitrates released from the soil (Simon Gear would know). Nothing better!

adventurelisa said...

I think I would have smelled freshly rained on too if it wasn't for the massive soaking (is it still a soaking if you're already wet and soaked?) by a car - a good dousing in muddy-ish water (water flowed from a nearby construction site to where I was running on the pavement; road was flooded) about a kay and a half from home. Got back as the rain slowed to just more than a drizzle. Fresh and lovely - I'm still stoked with my run ;)